The Histamine Intolerance Site

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The Low-Histamine Diet List

I’ve tried to create the most comprehensive histamine intolerance food list and you can find it here.

The list uses an emoji traffic light system to create the most comprehensive, alphabetical histamine intolerance list. We’ve also listed our sources at the bottom of the page:⁣

- Red - foods that our sources seem to agree are high histamine = 😡⁣
- Yellow - foods that are medium histamine, or where there is debate about the histamine levels involved = 🤔⁣
- Green - foods generally acknowledged as low histamine = ✅⁣

If you are new, perhaps you’d rather read an overview of the Histamine Intolerance Diet.⁣

You may well disagree with some of the foods listed. Everyone is definitely individual with histamine intolerance and many sites wildly differ with their recommendations.

If you think anything is incorrectly listed, then let me know, and we can investigate further.⁣

Oh, and this is hopefully not your ‘forever’ list. Once you start to manage the symptoms of histamine intolerance, many people can reintroduce favourite foods.⁣