Red Light Therapy up the Nose

Red Light Therapy up the Nose

Red light therapy may help to reduce inflammation and swelling in the nasal passages. (Clearly that helps with histamine intolerance)

I’m seriously impressed by this.

I’ve been using it before bed and I genuinely helps me breathe better at night. I first reviewed it over on my main Instagram page where I try out various biohacks. And I’m now posting it on my histamine intolerance Instagram as this one has stuck and I think it has particular relevance for histamine issues.

It’s also very affordable - currently £9.99 on Amazon!

Search for LloydsPharmacy Allergy Reliever

The Science: Red light therapy may stimulate the production of certain chemicals in the body, such as nitric oxide, which can help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Blog Post


Say goodbye to mysterious gut issues, constant fatigue, aches and pains, or that never-ending blocked up nose.

The Comprehensive Healing Guide Masterclass for Histamine Intolerance is here to transform your life.

(A big claim I know, but this is what we are aiming for, starting NOW).

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