Omega-3 Plus Topical Patch

Omega-3 Plus Topical Patch

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I’ve written in the past about how I’d like to take Omega 3s to boost my DHA and EPA levels, help inflammation and my brain work better. But I couldn’t find any Omega 3 supplements that don’t make me react.⁣⁣⁣
Thank you then to my follower Heather @hnashers who suggested @patchmd products. They are patches that go on the skin and therefore are not absorbed at all in the gut (the source of many of my histamine intolerance problems). Great idea for a company 👋🏼⁣⁣
I’ve been using them for a few days and cautiously feeling okay. It’s early days but I’m hopeful these will be a long-term solution. As with everything histamine related you’re often not quite sure so I will report back in future. I’ve also been trying out their Vitamin C patch overnight which is a great idea ✅⁣⁣

DISCLAIMER: Always check with your doctor or health practitioner before starting any treatment program. ⁣This is not advice, it is intended for information and discussion only.⁣⁣⁣⁣
So well done Patch MD. The search continues, but this is the best I’ve found so far. ⁣⁣

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Say goodbye to mysterious gut issues, constant fatigue, aches and pains, or that never-ending blocked up nose.

The Comprehensive Healing Guide Masterclass for Histamine Intolerance is here to transform your life.

(A big claim I know, but this is what we are aiming for, starting NOW).

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