The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Why would I knowingly eat high histamine foods for a week?

Fasting Mimicking Diet. What is it and does it work?

Why would I knowingly have high histamine foods for a week? Why would I inflict that pain on myself?

We’ve just finished Dr. Valter Longo’s challenging ProLon experience. 5 days of near starvation - but my goodness, my energy levels are through the roof now.

The picture above shows our ‘his-n-hers’ Prolon boxes.

How romantic! 😂

You get a safe amount of calories to keep going through the week.

But would I recommend it for histamine intolerance sufferers? Probably not.

TIME Magazine nominated Dr. Longo to be among the top 50 most influential people in health, so this is really worth considering, but histamine intolerance brings its own challenges.

The idea of ProLon is your body gets a big clear-out and a reset. So far so good, right?

The problems come because the menu is somewhat high histamine - so I was nervous. It’s been a long time since i’ve knowingly had tomato soup, for example. Yes there are definitely some suspect histamine ingredients.

All that said, many people in the histamine intolerance community still think it’s a worthwhile idea.

Here is an interesting article on ProLon and histamine intolerance on the Healing Histamine website.

On balance I enjoyed it, and I feel really energized after it.

I found it a worthwhile experience but I did react a bit to some of the meals and couldn’t honestly recommend it for everybody with histamine intolerance as I know from your messages how some people suffer from this condition.

I like to let you know about the stuff I try that works as well as those I don’t recommend. ProLon clearly has benefits for many but not all people. Please do consult with your practitioner if you are interested in trying it.

As always, the information on this blog is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. 

You should make your own health care decisions based upon their research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Those words are never more appropriate than on this particular blog.

If you do decide with the assistance of your practitioner to go ahead, the code TONY10 will get you 10% off ProLon and TW10 will get you the same discount at ProLon UK.

If you want to hear my daily podcasts on the ups-and-downs of the experience then click on the podcasts below (with a special guest on day 4 and day 5!)

See this content in the original post

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