My Favourite Supplements for Histamine Intolerance
Here is a list of my favourite supplements for histamine intolerance.
Explore with the help of your practitioner...
Histamine Nutrients (formerly called Histamine Block Plus)
Toxpravent (for detox and potentially flare-ups)
BioToxin Binder (for detox and potentially flare-ups)
Vitamin C (a ‘natural’ antihistamine)
Probiota HistaminX (histamine-friendly probiotic)
Quercetin (can bring relief in a flare-up)
SPMs (anti-inflammatory secret agent)
DAOfood Plus (before meals)
NaturDAO (also before meals, suitable for vegans)
HistaminX (for flare-ups)
Pycnogenol (for allergy symptoms)
Colostrum (for immunity)
Grass Fed Kidney (for natural DAO before meals)
Magnesium (for relaxation and flare-ups)
Adrenal Support (to help reduce stress)
CBD (for sleep and relaxation)
Methylated vitamins (for detox and general health)
Always remember to explore these options with the help of your healthcare practitioner to determine what is best for your individual needs.