The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Is Dragon Fruit High in Histamine?

Who doesn't love this lovely, pretty fruit? But is dragon fruit high in histamine?

This is something I get asked a lot on the site.

Dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya or strawberry pear, is a tropical fruit. It's known for its vibrant red skin and sweet, seed-speckled pulp. It's more popular in many parts of the world than it is here in London, but I think it should be here too.

Dragon fruit gets a ✅ on our food list, and scores a 0 on the SIGHI food list.

Beth O'Hara over at Mast Cell 360 lists it as a lower histamine fruit.

All of which suggests good news for dragon fruit lovers, but as always, check carefully in small quantities and consult with your practitioner before starting any new diet.

And a word of caution. It seems that it is possible to buy products with artificial dragon fruit flavouring, in which case I would be very wary and would not be able to provide a rating. I don't know what exact flavouring might be used, and I wouldn't in that case know whether it was histamine-containing, or histamine-producing.

I'll shortly be conducting a dragon fruit poll on my instagram page to get extra feedback - please do come and join me over there too.