The Histamine Intolerance Site

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Histamine intolerance and air quality

😀 Dust and poor air quality seems directly linked to histamine intolerance.⁣

So can cleaner air make us feel more up for life? πŸ€”β£

If avoiding getting sick, less allergies, and improved sleep counts as energizing, then cleaner air works. πŸ‘Œβ£
If you live on a busy road with lots of car traffic, it is especially important. ⁣

I have been using an Air Angel from Hypo Air, mainly in my bedroom. I genuinely have noticed a difference in my stuffy nose levels (technical term) overnight. ⁣My sleep’s improved considerably. πŸ™Œβ£

The first time I used it I felt like I’d been breathing in lovely cool forest air all night. 🌬️⁣

Their technology was originally developed by NASA and the research shows that it kills 99 percent of allergens, odors, germs, and viruses including various forms of coronavirus. ⁣

It has even been tested on the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID virus) a couple weeks ago and it kills it on a surface outside the unit. Incredible. πŸ‘Œ

You can use the code ZESTOLOGY for 10% off at the hypoair site